Szkoła eko

Project Information


  • Walls, the flat roofs and the walls of the ground floor
  • Replacing aluminum windows with a new ones
  • Replacing existing boiler room technology with a modern condensing boiler
  • Installation of the photovoltaic panels
  • Replacement of the lighting with low energy consuming bulbs
  • Modernization the domestic hot water system
  • Replacing of ventilation technology


  • Reduced building energy demand
  • Improving energy efficiency in building
  • Raising awareness of RES energy efficiency
  • Formation of pro-ecological attitudes – Educational classes in Primary School 2, Primary School 4, Primary School 11, grades I-IV


  • Reduction or avoidance of CO2 emissions 130,51 [t / year]
  • Production of energy from renewable sources 31,99[MWh / year]
  • Primary energy savings 577,71 [MWh / year]
  • The additional electricity generation capacity of the installed photovoltaic cells fotowoltaicznych – 0,032 MWe


Delivery of teaching aids for conducting educational classes for students of grades 1-4 of primary schools in Jarosław as part of the project entitled: “Thermomodernization of the building of Primary School No. 11 with Integration Departments for them. Adam Mickiewicza in Jarosław” under the “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” program, “Energy” area, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the years 2014 – 2021 – 4 parts

Postępowanie: Dostawa pomocy dydaktycznych do prowadzenia zajęć edukacyjnych dla uczniów klas I – IV szkół podstawowych w Jarosławiu w ramach projektu pn.: „termomodernizacja budynku Szkoły Podstawowej nr 11 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Adama Mickiewicza w Jarosławiu” w ramach programu „Środowisko, Energia i zmiany Klimatu”, obszar „Energia”, finansowanego ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego na lata 2014 – 2021 – 4 części – Platforma Zakupowa

Thermal modernization of the building of Primary School No. 11 with Integration departments for them Adam Mickiewicza in Jarosław – co-financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change program – construction works

Postępowanie: Termomodernizacja budynku Szkoły Podstawowej nr 11 z oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Adama Mickiewicza w Jarosławiu – dofinansowanie ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego EOG w ramach programu Środowisko, Energia i Zmiany Klimatu – Platforma Zakupowa


Conducting educational activities for students of grades 1-4 of primary schools in Jarosław as part of the project entitled “Thermal modernization of the Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No. 11 with integration units in Jarosław” under the Program “Environment, Energy and Climate Change “, Program scope „Energy”, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021

Designing and creating a website for the purposes of the project: “Thermal modernization of the Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No. 11 with integration units in Jarosław” under the Program “Environment, Energy and Climate Change “, Program scope “Energy”, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-202

Tender procedure: Designing and creating a website for the purposes of the project: “Thermal modernization of the Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No. 11 with integration units in Jarosław” under the Program “Environment, Energy and Climate Change “, Program scope “Energy”, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021

Execution of project documentation, technical specifications, execution and receipt of construction works, bill of quantities, costs estimates and performing authorship supervision in an investment task named: “Thermal upgrade of the building of Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No.11 with integration units in Jarosław.”

Tender procedure: Thermal upgrade of the building of Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No.11 with integration units in Jarosław
